2nd Amendment Coalition

Rhode Island

2025 Legislative Session

Bill Number





X = Oppose 
P = Support

House  5069

CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- WEAPONS - Prohibits any city or town from requiring an applicant for license to carry concealed firearm to provide a reason for their request other than those outlined in § 11-47-1.


House  5076

Making Appropriations For The Support Of The State For The Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2026


House  5130

CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- WEAPONS - Defines "crime gun" and requires law enforcement to submit crime gun or 2 fired cartridge cases or shell casings seized to state crime laboratory or the BATF for testing and tracing, also would require 2 test-fired cartridge cases to be entered into NIBIN


House  5263

CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- WEAPONS - Amends the heading of § 11-47-60.1 to include the words "Dillon's Law."


House   5436

CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- RHODE ISLAND ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN ACT OF 2025 - Establishes the Rhode Island Assault Weapons Ban Act of 2025.


House  5443

HEALTH AND SAFETY -- SUICIDE PREVENTION -- VOLUNTARY FIREARM RESTRICTIONS ACT - Creates process for individual to voluntarily be either temporarily or indefinitely added to a list restricting their rights to purchase or possess firearms.


House  5652

CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- WEAPONS - Precludes a person who pled nolo contendere or convicted of a misdemeanor offense and sentenced in accordance with the hate crime sentencing enhancement act for such misdemeanor, from purchasing, owning, carrying, transporting or having possession firearm


House  5653

CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- WEAPONS - Prohibits the licensing authority from imposing additional or stricter requirements than the department of attorney general as well as prohibiting said licensing authorities from imposing any fees, other than the fee required in § 11-47-12.


House  5654

CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- WEAPONS - Prohibits local licensing authorities from issuing a concealed carry permit to out of state residents based on permits issued by authorities from other states or subdivisions.


House  5889

CRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- EXPUNGEMENT OF CRIMINAL RECORDS - Allows a law enforcement agency to consider expunged records when issuing a license or permit to carry a pistol or revolver.


House  5890

CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- WEAPONS - Specifies that it is unlawful for any person under the age of eighteen (18) to possess a firearm.


House  5891

CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- WEAPONS - Disqualifies individuals with prior felony convictions from purchasing or possessing a firearm.


House  5933

CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- WEAPONS - Provides that any person eighteen (18) years of age who is issued a license or permit may carry a stun gun.


House  5934

CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- WEAPONS - Provides that any person eighteen (18) years of age who is issued a license or permit may carry a stun gun.


House  5935

CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- WEAPONS -- CONCEALED CARRY REFORM - Expands firearm rights to recognize out of state carry permits, authorizes weapons carried during emergency evacuation and establishes an appeal process for permit denied.


House  5936

CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- WEAPONS - Provides the review and appeal process for individuals applying for a permit or license to carry a handgun with the licensing authority or attorney general.


House  6014

TAXATION -- SALES AND USE TAXES -- LIABILITY AND COMPUTATION - Exempts from the sales tax firearm safety equipment, storage devices, gun safes, gun cabinets, gun vaults, gun cases, strong boxes, cable locks, trigger locks and biometric locks.


House  6042

CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- WEAPONS - Exempts certain U.S. employees from having to obtain state licenses to carry a visible or concealed pistol or revolver.


House  5651

DELINQUENT AND DEPENDENT CHILDREN -- PROCEEDINGS IN FAMILY COURT -- JUVENILE RECORDS - Allows access to juvenile criminal records in order to conduct firearm background checks.



Rhode Island 2nd Amendment Coalition

A New TEXT-MESSAGE ALERT SYSTEM has been created to alert members of the 2nd Amendment Community when legislation is slated for hearings or votes in the Committees or in the Senate or House. Your private information is 100% confidential and you will receive NOTHING but legislative alerts - this is a SPAM FREE service offered to all so that we will be ready to fight against the Weiner/Bloomberg funded Anti-2nd Amendment Fanatics.

Click this link to get signed up

Support our Right to Keep and Bear arms!

The Rhode Island 2nd Amendment Coalition
Is proud to introduce and welcome our

​Official Training Professional

Christian Pullano

Christian is a Certified NRA Training Counselor - the highest training certification offered by the National Rifle Association and has decades of firearms training experience

Click here, or on the TRAINING tab at the top of the page to learn more

!!!! ATTENTION !!!!


Click the link below and learn where the candidates in your district
stand on the 2nd Amendment

NRA/PVF Ratings


To join the Rhode Island 2nd Amendment Coalition, print the application and mail to the address listed.

Click here for a membership application

NRA State Association

RI 2nd Amendment Coalition is named the 
Official NRA Affiliate for the State of Rhode Island

​NRA selects the Rhode Island 2nd Amendment Coalition
as the new State Association!

​​Click here for NRA Article on the RI 2nd Amendment Coalition

The Rhode Island 2nd Amendment Coalition wants to thank the entire 2nd Amendment community for contributing to the efforts to stop the encroachment on our 2nd Amendment rights. The outstanding efforts of so many individuals behind the leadership of Michael O'Neil and Frank Saccoccio have made a serious impact on the ability of all Rhode Islanders to enjoy the freedoms protected by our state and federal constitution. Our success over the past 2 years has not gone unnoticed! The National Rifle Association has recognized our outstanding success and thrown their full weight and support behind our efforts, and the efforts of all the dedicated Rhode Islanders who have been fight along side of each other to defend our liberties. This victory is yours as well as it is ours.

NRA Welcome Letter

For more information about the Coalition and how you can help,
​please send us an email at

"The beauty of  the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."

-Thomas Jefferson

Copyright © Rhode Island 2nd Amendment Coalition.


We are graciously accepting donations to help support the cause of protecting our 2nd Amendment Rights.

Click here to learn how to contribute


Information is power, and this website will help you find the appropriate information to help you in your defense of the 2nd Amendment.

Click here to learn more about the issues

The RI 2nd Amendment Coalition

The Coalition has been created as a means for Sporting Clubs and Associations, along with Gun Stores and other Sporting Goods Retailers to work together with everyday citizens on the important work being done to preserve our 2nd Amendment Rights which are currently under attack in the Rhode Island General Assembly. We are an inclusive group who welcomes all parties interested in the fight to preserve our 2nd Amendment rights.  Browse our website and learn about the issues, and how you can help!