2nd Amendment Coalition

Rhode Island

NRA State Association

Copyright © Rhode Island 2nd Amendment Coalition.

When you send us your email address, we will add it to our private distribution list.  No one other than our email distribution coordinator has access to the list of email addresses we send out information to. Your privacy is our number one concern with regards to your private contact information.

Once you are on the list, you will receive periodic updates on legislation, rallies and other events that are important to our efforts.

*You can "opt-out" of the emails with a simple mouse-click if you are no longer interested in receiving them. 

For more information about the Coalition and how you can help,
​please send us an email at

"The beauty of  the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."

-Thomas Jefferson

Our Location

Contact US

Rhode Island 2nd Amendment Coalition
928 Atwood AvenueJohnstonRI 02919, United States
E-mail: info@ri2nd.org